David Pawson - Christ and Christmas? Part 1

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Thoughtful Thoughts 20.12.24 by John Dunning.

Christ - and the “Christ Mass” ? - Part 1; The Timing.


There are too many prophecies to mention them all here and now, space may be able to be found later. This time we will look at the timing of the incarnation of the Messiah… The truth is important because that is the only way to stop the cynicism of the story of the incarnation. Satan has created a whole counterfeit story to deflect us away from the historical records. That counterfeit story makes a mockery of what God has done in history, which is ‘marvelous in our eyes’. 

1). The Year Jesus came to earth…


Most Christians are well aware by now that Jesus Christ came to earth in MINUS 4 BC. The church got the year wrong when they reset the calendar incorrectly, by guessing the wrong year. 

How do we know that Jesus came in MINUS 4 BC ? 

That’s easy! Roman records show that the Roman census that made Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to be registered for taxation… took place in what we now need to call MINUS 4 BC simply because we are stuck with the wrong year, as it is too late to correct it. As Jesus was crucified when He was aged 33, that means He died in AD 29, so it had a knock-on effect. After that all historical dates became discombobulated…. 

2). The month Jesus came to earth… 


Jesus was not born on December 25th. The church simply joined the European pagan holiday for the sun god with its own holiday for the incarnation. 

Alright, so what month did Jesus really come?

a). The real time for the incarnation of Jesus was the tail end of September /beginning of October. 

How do we know that was when Jesus came?

b). Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth as soon as an angel came to tell her she would become pregnant with Jesus, as soon as she agreed. We are told that Elizabeth was six months pregnant when Mary visited Elizabeth. If we knew exactly when Elizabeth became pregnant, all the pieces of the jigsaw would fall into place… 

But we do know! 

c). Elizabeth’s husband was Zechariah and an angel visited him when he was on duty as the High Priest in the temple, telling him his wife would become pregnant. The roster for when it was the turn of his family line of priests to be the High Priest is found in Chronicles 24:10, which converts to the end of June / beginning July in our calendar. 

d). Mary visited Elizabeth six months after that date which brings us to the end of December /beginning of January when Mary visited Elizabeth to tell her that she too had just become pregnant. 

e). Nine months after visiting Elizabeth, brings us to the end of September / beginning October, when Mary gives birth to Jesus. 

That timing converts to the time of the Jewish “Feast of Tabernacles”. 

The new covenant was explained by Jews in the Gospels, which supersedes the old covenant, which Jesus said on the cross; “It is finished”, and the temple curtain was torn in two from top to bottom. 

The only reason we use the celtic pagan holiday of December 25th is because the ‘church’ combined the day when pagans worshipped their sun god with a church holiday, just like a cuckoo bird puts its eggs in another bird’s nest! 


My epilogue/poem below expresses the truth of the real reason for Jesus’ coming to earth.

That real reason enables us to repent and be forgiven, so His coming was to bring us salvation… which “Christmas” ignores.

God’s Prince Came Down

A lass engaged does set the scene,

For God to come and intervene.

This lass of all the human race,

Was chosen for God’s act of grace.

A message to the lass was given,

Of God’s concern for men forgiven.

For without God man could not cope,

And it was time to bring men hope.

As the time for Christ’s birth drew near,

They moved on to another sphere.

To Bethlehem was the decree,

As God had said in prophecy.

At this the devil did engage,

And evil men became enraged.

All babies not two years of age,

Were murdered by a savage sage.

God’s warning stood them in good stead,

As outlawed, they to Egypt fled,

But before long Herod was dead,

So home they went as prophets said.

Man’s broken lives God wished to mend,

So here the story does not end.

For God His Son in love did send,

And did in love His body rend.

Now to God we may freely come,

Only because He gave His Son.

Respond to what His coming means,

Or for you it need not have been.

If we let God our Father be,

We too may join His family. 

We must make sure it’s done in time,

Before Jesus returns a second time. 

(John Dunning Copyright 2024)

The reason Jesus came enables us to repent and be forgiven, so His coming enables us to repent and ask for forgiveness, to bring about our salvation…

This is John Dunning signing off from “Thoughtful Thoughts” for another week.

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